Contact us

Get in touch with us for help and support. Please remember to have your personal details to hand to help us deal with your query effectively.

Difficulties making a payment

0330 159 6612* (UK)
+44 (0) 330 159 6612* (Abroad)

8am - 8pm Monday – Friday, 9am - 1pm Saturday
If you are calling from outside the UK call charges will vary – please check with your provider.

Existing mortgage queries


0330 159 6612* (UK)
+44 (0) 330 159 6612* (Abroad)

8.30am - 6pm Monday - Friday


Whistletree, PO Box 116, Skipton BD23 9FF

How to make a complaint

We're committed to providing products and services of the very highest standards. If you feel that we haven't lived up to your expectations in any way, we'd like to know about your complaint so we can put things right for you.

If you want to contact us about your PPI, details can be found on our complaints page.

Media enquiries

Are you a journalist? Contact our media service at 020 7003 9369.