By far the most popular way to pay many household bills. Once set up, Direct Debit is hassle-free and your payment is automatically covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.
You also have the peace of mind that your payment has been made on time and is free, if your account is up to date. It’s easy to set up and you can re-arrange or cancel it at any time – just call us to change your payment or details.
Update August 2016: The notice period required before changing the date or amount of your monthly payments has reduced from 10 working days to 4 working days.
Click here to download and complete a Direct Debit Mandate form and return it by post to Whistletree, PO Box 116, Skipton BD23 9FF or call us on 0330 159 6612*
We will apply your payment on the due date.
Please see our Direct Debit - Frequently asked questions page for more information.
Has your Direct Debit collection failed? Please be aware we may try to take the Direct Debit payment again 7 working days after the first collection fails. Please call us to confirm. In the meantime, we do not recommend that you use any other payment method to make your payment/s as this may lead to a double payment being taken from your bank account.