We’re always on hand if you’re caring for a relative.
Looking after someone else can mean you have a lot less time to look after yourself. So we have a whole range of useful tools that can make managing your finances easier.
Being a carer
A helping hand to making caring less demanding
Carers are important people because they have accepted responsibility for looking after someone else - often when that person is unwell or infirm. But being a carer creates its own stresses and strains, so we want to bring together all the available support and information to help you do what you do with the least amount of hassle.
Click on any of the links below to get started or try the Carer self-assessment below.
Useful links
There is a wealth of online advice and support available that can assist with all kinds of life, finance and health problems - if you know where to look for it. So we’ve brought together these resources to help you find this information.